February 21, 2024
Anna Ovchynnikova
Chief Product Officer

How we built Accton Auditor - Product Story


"We spent 7 months delivering this report. Was it worth the effort?” This thought often crossed my mind as we completed various DWH/BI projects.

Despite our best efforts, the creation of BI reports usually ends once the project is delivered.

But a critical question remains: How do we ensure these reports are actually used and add value?

This is where the story of Accton Auditor begins.

While developing Accton Insight Hub to boost BI adoption, the need to track this adoption came to the forefront.

The challenge was clear: while some tools offer basic stats on report usage, others provide minimal analytics.

This made it essential to create a comprehensive audit tool for several reasons:

  1. Limited historical data:

    Microsoft Power BI Service, which dominates a significant portion of the market, only provides 30 days of historical data in its Usage Metrics reports. Other BI tools follow the similar pattern. This limitation highlighted the need for a tool that offers extended visibility and easy control.
  2. Multi-tool environment:

    Most companies use multiple BI tools, meaning there is no way to cross-check information in repositories and control their usage. Conclusion = we need centralized control and monitoring for maintaining efficiency and consistency in large orgs.
  3. User adoption tracking:

    We know how to develop great reports. We know how to support their adoption with a single analytics hub. But how do we track if our efforts work, what users do with reports and where the main bottlenecks are?

Starting with Microsoft Power BI Service, we aimed to develop a solution that offers deep insights into report usage, user engagement, and overall adoption.

Through dedication and innovation, we created Accton Auditor - a tool designed to bridge the gap between report delivery and actual usage.

Accton Auditor helps organizations track and improve user adoption, ensuring that BI tools are not just implemented but are effectively utilized to drive business value.

The journey was challenging, but the results have been rewarding!

I’m proud of what we've built and excited about the impact it’s already having on businesses.

Now it’s open for you to try and test as a SaaS solution! Join the beta test for free 1-month usage!

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